Ali And Nino

Ali and Nino is a famous bronze sculpture in Batumi, Georgia, depicting two lovers from different cultures embracing and then separating. The 8-meter-high statue stands at the seaside Boulevard and was created by Georgian artist Tamara Kvesitadze in 2010.

The sculpture is based on a novel with the same name by Azerbaijani author Kurban Said, telling the love story between Muslim Ali and Christian Nino in Baku during the early 20th century. The novel is set in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan, and has become a symbol of tolerance and multiculturalism in the region. The Ali and Nino statue in Batumi, Georgia, is based on the main characters of the novel and has become a popular tourist attraction. The statue's kinetic design allows it to move and change its shape, symbolizing the ups and downs of the couple's relationship.

Located on the Black Sea coast, the statue is an iconic landmark of Batumi and a popular spot for tourists and locals to take photos. The surrounding area offers stunning views of the sea and the city skyline, as well as cafes and restaurants to relax and enjoy the scenery.

Nearest to Ali And Nino

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